There is always a next step to take

Next Steps at Inspire Church

We believe growing people change. Wherever you are in life, whatever is
going on,

you will always have a next step to take as you grow.

Learn more about next steps


Need prayer? Let us know and one of our prayer warriors will connect with you and pray with you!
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First Time Guest

First time joining us at Inspire Church? Let us know and we would love to connect with you!
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Said Yes to Jesus?

No matter who you are or what you’ve done, Jesus came to earth for you. He didn’t come to start another religion, to point out our faults, or to belittle us.
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Baptism is going public about your faith in Jesus and communicating to the world your heart-felt commitment to following Him. It's the next step after salvation.
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The Bible tells us the truth of who God is. If you want to know more about God and His promises, reading the Bible is your next step.
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Ready to take a step in your giving? You can support the work Inspire Church is doing in your community and around the world.
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